Demolition of Dwellings at
98-108 Dunclug Park Ballymena
Job Type: Demolition
Building Type:
Programme Duration:
4 Months
MCB Civils Limited works consisted of the soft strip and demolition works to 10 no. Housing Executive owned properties, 98-104 Dunclug Park, some of which had been fire damaged. Adjoining lands had been defaced and had become overgrown so these had to be stripped, cleared and made good again as per NIHE specification.
Firstly, the fire damaged buildings had to be made safe to enable our preferred Asbestos Removal Contractor to remove the Licenced Asbestos in each property. This involved hand demolition of the roofs on the buildings using boom lifts. At the same time the M&E live services were either removed or diverted and made safe for future use. Mechanical demolition of the buildings then took place and waste was segregated and disposed of in the appropriate facility.
Clearance of the adjoining wasteland took place with new drainage and sewage lines set in place. Kerbing took place in a car park area and fencing was erected around the perimeter. Topsoil was imported and graded on the common area and a specified grass seed was used to finish.