Demolition of PowerStation
West Belfast
Job Type: Demolition
Building Type:
Programme Duration:
September 2021- May 2022
Demolition Works to PowerStation West Belfast.
NIE’s former Powerstation West located on McCaughey Rd in Belfast Docks MCB were charged of the demolition of 3 separate buildings.
The Main Contractor for this project were Adman and the Contacting Authority were Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE)
The works consisted of Water treatment works, laden Asbestos removals, Heavy Oils disposals, dense transformer/equipment stripping subsequent 18m high by 85m long by 16m wide demolitions to reinforced concrete structure including basement and 2nr Distribution Units, Site footprint 240m long by 25m wide. PSW’s structure of reinforced concrete beams, columns and basement structure. Upper floors and the roof comprised of concrete slabs spanning with a combination of steel cased beams and reinforced concrete beams and walls, limitations on a narrow 25m wide site left demolition arisings processing limited with MCB Civils deploying 2nr 35ton demolition excavators to demolish the building with smaller machines processing waste arisings to the rear of main block demolitions.
Due to boundary limitations close proximity to a busy HGV traffic lane and Coal Processing plant PSW building was demolished in sections similar to its original build pattern, roof slab was mechanically munched ensuring that all rubble fell inside the footprint safely, perimeter walls were demolished to progress the demolition down to slab level the sub floor was raised and the basement area broken up and set aside for crushing. The masonry material resulting from the demolition was crushed on site used as a capping layer over the footprint of the site with the variant removed from site. Arising wastes ongoing segregation on site and disposed of to licensed waste facilities off site.